Meet The Team Getting Your Clinic More Clients

Choosing the right partner for your clinic's online marketing needs is crucial, and we understand the significance of this decision. You can be confident in choosing our team at Meadu Digital. Our specialization in healthcare marketing is a key advantage, as our industry-specific knowledge effectively enhances your clinic's online presence.

Our team, led by Tomás O'Dwyer, a qualified biomedical engineer with a deep passion for the healthcare sector, is dedicated to online marketing with a special focus on healthcare. Tomás’s unique background in both technology and healthcare underpins our approach, combining technical expertise with an understanding of healthcare business needs.

We're committed to applying our skills and experience to foster the growth and success of your clinic. For us, it’s more than just business; it’s about being a part of your journey towards achieving greater heights in healthcare services. We are proud to be instrumental in the future success of your clinic.

Janelle Basa

Project Manager

Dom Hughes

Search Engine Optimization Specialist

Anastasi Dern

Business Development Consultant

Jared Read

Community Manager

Schedule Your Online Marketing Exploration Call Now!

This call will be to discuss how we can help scale your healthcare clinic using proven online marketing strategies.

  • Your Success Is Our Priority We prioritize your clinic's goals, ensuring cost-effective marketing without unnecessary expenses.

  • Total Hands-On Support We act as your dedicated Marketing Department, collaborating closely to realize your vision with tailored strategies

  • Sustainable Revenue Growth Meadu ensures your clinic's long-term growth, maintaining online presence and revenue even with consistent strategies.

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